¿Qué ver en Laguna de 3 palos, Acapulco de juárez?
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The Laguna de 3 Palos is a beautiful lagoon located in Acapulco de Juarez, Mexico. It is a popular destination for tourists due to its serene beauty and various activities that can be enjoyed here. The lagoon is open daily from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, and the entrance fee is around $3 USD.
If you are looking for some fun activities to do around the lagoon, there are many options available. You can take a boat tour of the lagoon, go fishing, or rent a kayak or paddleboard. There are also several restaurants located near the lagoon where you can enjoy some delicious local cuisine.
If you are interested in exploring the surrounding area, there are several attractions worth visiting. The Chapel of Peace is a stunning architectural marvel located on a hilltop overlooking the bay of Acapulco. It is open daily from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, and admission is free.
Another popular attraction is the Acapulco Botanical Garden, which boasts a stunning collection of over 600 species of plants and flowers. The garden is open daily from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and admission is around $5 USD.
For more information about the Laguna de 3 Palos and other attractions in the area, you can visit the official tourism website for Acapulco at www.visitacapulco.travel.
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